We index fan made mods & patches for Patreon & Steam adult games

Summertime Saga

After his father died leaving his mother, sister and him behind, their father's death though was suspicious and police investigated it. He also left the family a huge debt to some shady people. So now he has to look after them both plus find the people that caused his father's death, save for college and find a girl for prom.

Support the original developer

Content Changed

Restored incest content:
- Changed dialog for mother/sister/aunt
- Replaced some edited images from earlier v0.14

Patch Instructions

Download the "incestpatch.rpa" file, and move it to the "/game" directory

On macOS this is located: "Contents/Resources/autorun/game"

For Android:
Install the game, run it once and close, save the incestpatch.rpa file to "Android/data/com.kompasproductions.summertimesaga/files/game", removing any previous patches. You may need to create the "game" directory if it doesn't already exist.

Download v0.20.5 Patch


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